Saturday, July 25, 2009

Squirrely Saturdays

Saturdays are killer. One pharmacist (unfortunately me), two techs, one-half a cashier, and 350 squirrels.....a glorious day in the world of retail pharmacy. I'm not complaining about the lack of breaks (bathroom included), bogus prescriptions, long hours, or expired prescriptions. What never fails is the last minute squirrel stampede. I don't know if there is a concerted effort on the patients' part or if it is a phenomenon across the pharmacy world, but today everyone waited until closing time to come to the pharmacy. We close at 7 pm (or two minutes before). Both techs left at 6 and I was left with a cashier. At 6:15 I had not one, not three, but 15 new prescriptions to type, check, fill, check, and bag. Not one refill. All new....and by new I mean a written prescription from the doctor, nevermind that it was written over a month ago. Here's the part that really gets me...why in the hell do they decide to wait until closing?? Obviously this prescription is not urgent because it has been folded up, stepped on, soaked in mysterious fluids, and has a tire tread imprinted on it. I think this is a rule in the squirrel manual. Wait until closing and bombard your pharmacist. Well guess what....that doesn't mean that you can get your prescriptions faster. No one got any prescriptions until 6:45. I took my dear sweet time and even had time to flash a smile at my adoring fans. Ha ha hell......

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